Read 650 brand identity was designed to embody its brand attributes: contemporary, colorful and informative. 650 wanted us to design a brand that visualized the spoken word by connecting today's writers with individuals and communities in a fresh and stimulating way.
1 Writer. 5 Minutes. 650 Words.
650’s mission is to promote writers and writing through live performances that celebrate the spoken word. It’s a literary forum for true personal stories—two pages and 650 words long, read aloud by the writer before an audience. 650 Live readings take place in New York City and throughout the tri-state area.

Introducing colour.
The beauty of stories is that it’s going to continue to evolve. The Read650 brand continues to grow. We introduced a colour palette to distinguish design elements for writer topics, shows, books and other collaterals. The goal is to make it feel right. We created a brand identity style guide. Setting design rules and references will help the organization stay consistent within the Read650 brand.
Read650 book series.
Writers submit stories to the quarterly topics. Curated stories are being published into books. We created a book template to keep a colorful and consistent look.

Spreading the word.
We design posters, postcards, buttons, shopping bags, and more to promote and to create brand awareness.

To promote Read650, we designed some merch to help to fund the non-for-profit organization.